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Last week a special platform opened on the ERGANI information system whereby employers filled out the special forms and applied for: a. Rent Deduction by 40% on the commercial leases of affected closed businesses; b. Suspension of employment contracts so that employees receive a compensation of special purpose of the amount of 800 EUR; The platform shall remain open up to the 31st of March. Employers whose businesses have not closed but are affected on the basis of their Professional Activity Code (ΚΑΔ), will carry on submitting the electronic form along with the Professional Activity Codes announced on the 30th of March. As of April 1st, the special platform shall open for employees so that they fill the special forms for both: a. reduction of their main residence's rent by 40% (employees of companies that have closed by virtue of State measures); b. for receiving the special purpose compensation of 800 EUR. CHAPTER B: SPECIAL PURPOSE COMPENSATION FOR FREELANCERS & SELF-EMPLOYED As of the 6th of April freelancers and self-employed persons employing up to 5 employees (i.e. employees that are eligible for receiving the 800 EUR special purpose compensation above), shall also be eligible for the the 800 EUR special purpose compensation by submitting their participation on the platform of ERGANI Information System. Applications can start after the relevant Joint Ministerial Decision has been issued this week. The precondition for non-dismissal of their employees is a prerequisite for the eligibility of this category persons for receiving the special purpose compensation. CHAPTER C: FINANCIAL AID OF THE 6 MAIN SCIENTIFIC BRANCHES OF GREECE THROUGH SPECIAL ONLINE PROGRAMS Through funds sourced by the Partnership Agreement (PA) 2014-2020 of the EU, economists, accountants, lawyers, doctors, educators and researchers will be funded with a sum of 600 EUR by attending a special remote education program. This amount shall be tax free, payable in two installments i.e. 400 on the 15th of April and 200 EUR by the 30th of April. CHAPTER D: SPECIAL PURPOSE COMPENSATION FOR FREELANCERS, SELF, EMPLOYED AND SCIENTISTS In the event that the COVID-19 related crisis continues for the next period of time, scientists shall also be eligible to receive, from May, the 800 EUR special purpose compensation along with the rest of the self-employed and freelancers under C above. CHAPTER E: NATIONAL INSURANCE CONTRIBUTIONS OF FREELANCERS & SELF-EMPLOYED A new Legislative Act to be issued soon, will provide for a 25% deduction to national insurance contributions that are paid on time, referring to the working periods of February and March (due on 31/03 and 30/04 respectively). Otherwise, the above persons will be able to pay after the suspension period granted by State order (i.e.from September the 1st) In respect to contributions due for the 31/03, they shall be eligible for discount if paid by 10/04/2020. CHAPTER F: EASTER BONUS The Easter Bonus will paid in full to employees in the private sector. A Legislative Act will further elaborate the manner with which this shall take place. CHAPTER G: AID TO THE UNEMPLOYED AND ELECTRONIC ISSUING OF UNEMPLOYMENT ID FROM THE PUBLIC REGISTER A few upgrades have been made in order to peed up the issuing of the unemployment IDs for the unemployed so that congestion is avoided on the competent offices. Furthermore, some programs under the auspices of the Ministry of Employment in connection to 100,000 unemployed persons will gradually come into force.
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Ioannis Valmas LLB, LLM, (MSc) is Managing Partner at Valmas Associates and a Greek lawyer licensed by the Athens Bar since 2008. His writings on Greek Real Estate Law have been widely published in recent years by publishers in Greece and abroad.
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